Monday, December 22, 2008

Elf Yourself Dance

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


Annette said...

My computer never lets me view other people's videos they've posted but my friend sent one of these last year as her Christmas card via email. It was really funny! Can you post a link also?!

Angela said...

Kara - your elf dance cracked me up. Especially Ryan's solo! Merry Christmas! I loved your temple pictures too. Thanks for sharing. That's one thing I miss visiting at Christmas time. No one does lights like temple square.

Chelsea Michelle said...

I'm glad I got your blog! It's so cute :)

Emily said...

This is one of the funniest "Elf Yourself" I've seen. Funny seeing your parents do disco!

Be You Movies said...

Okay, so I know that this comment is late, but that is TOO funny! I was laughing all the way through it!